Time and Effort Reporting

Time and Effort Reporting Procedures

Personnel Activity Reports:
According to OMB Circular A-87 Attachment b(h), District staff who are split funded (<100% multiple performance objectives) with Federal monies are required to complete Personnel Activity Reports (PARs) indicating the number of hours worked by funding source and coded for the specific activities they perform on a weekly basis and submit them to the Department of State and Federal Programs no later than the end of the month.

PAR forms are collected and reviewed in a timely manner to ensure than an employee’s compensation does not become disallowed. Documents containing information pertinent to each employee’s funding sources and time percentages for each source are sent to those employees needing to complete PAR forms as soon as the information becomes available. Updates to the PAR list are made monthly by the staff in the Department of State and Federal Programs, should it be necessary.

  • Human Resources and the Business Department assign budget and staffing for the District, an inventory of grant funded staff is generated by the Administrative Assistant in State and Federal Programs.

  • A PARs Check-in list, FTE converters, and variance workbooks are then created for each employee needing to complete PARs for the relevant fiscal year (FY) by the Administrative Assistant in State and Federal Programs.

  • Employees are notified as quickly as possible, generally within a week of when the grant funded employees report is run, they are to complete PARs for the current FY via email. Pertinent documents are included in this email along with an offer to train or assist employees in any manner they may need to facilitate ease of meeting this requirement.

  • Once the PAR form check-in sheet is complete and accurate each principal is informed as to who in their building must complete PARs.

  • The grant funded employees list is run quarterly by the Business Office to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date and list of employees needing to complete PARs is updated accordingly by the Administrative Assistant in State and Federal Programs.

  • PAR forms are checked in by the Administrative Assistant in State and Federal Programs as they are received.

  • Hours worked by funding source are then entered into variance workbooks by the Business Office on a weekly basis.

  • Employees whose PAR forms are not complete/correct will be notified the day their PAR forms are reviewed. Forms are marked as “R” for returned on the PARs list/check-in sheet and returned to employee with an explanation of how to correct the error. The directions on how to correct their PAR are also emailed to the employee.

  • The first week of each month notification is sent via email to employees needing to complete PARs regarding PAR forms that may be missing or not returned after revisions have been made; principals are copied on these emails.

  • The Administrative Assistant in State and Federal Programs submits variance reports to the Business Office no later than two weeks after each quarter ends.

  • PAR forms are filed and maintained by the Department of State and Federal Programs, where they are accessible for five (5) years.

Staff Certifications:

District staff who are fully funded (100%) from a Federal grant source must complete staff certification forms semiannually to document their awareness of the funding source from which they receive their compensation. District staff who are paid additional hours from a Federal funding source other than the funding sources they are typically compensated from will also complete a staff certification form indicating their knowledge of how they were compensated for 100% of their time for this activity (workshops, conferences, tutoring, etc.).

  • Payroll generates the list of employees needing to complete Staff Certifications and sends it to the Administrative Assistant in State and Federal Programs.

  • The Administrative Assistant in State and Federal Programs generates the actual Staff
    Certification forms and sends them via email to each teacher, principals are copied on these emails. 

  • Employees are directed to sign their Staff Certifications and to have their supervisor sign them as well.

  • Staff Certifications submitted to the Department of State and Federal Programs are checked in by the Administrative Assistant.

  • The Administrative Assistant in State and Federal Programs reviews Staff Certifications to ensure they are compliant then files them in the department where they are maintained and accessible for five (5) years.

  • Employees are contacted via email if their Staff Certifications are late by two weeks or more; building principals are copied on these emails.